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The Moon has Sunken below the Horizon - Sep. 15th 2021 Logbook

From September 7 to 27 2021, Bark Europa sailed from Scheveningen in the Netherlands to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. This is a bit of what my life onboard was like.

I could barely sleep because I was so excited about my evening swim. I got woken up at 01:45 with a very poetic wake up that unfortunately didn't include any weather indication; the moon has sunken below the horizon... but what should I wear? The sky was very pretty and we saw a lot of shooting stars throughout the night. There was a Search and Rescue boat in our vicinity and apparently they were searching for a yacht. We saw their impressive wide light scan the horizon. I vacuumed the deckhouse, prepared breakfast and put a first coat of varnish on some blocks. We also did some sail handling, played with braces and staysails, did some grommets and finished the watch with a deck wash. A rather efficient watch!

After lunch, I gave some extra help in the galley because our cook was sick. We took down some sails and started motoring. After the coffee break, I did a knot lesson during which I taught the voyage crew how to do a monkey fist. I also finally finished the serving on my splice!


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